Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth


Heaven and Earth During my years of making art, there have been a handful of books that have wielded a huge influence on my art path, and one of them is titled, The Chinese on the Art of Painting, by Osvald Siren.

In this book, Siren presents the writings of Chinese painters beginning as far back as the Fourth Century. And in their writings, they divulge the secrets of their art.

"To express an idea or to represent an object properly," wrote one master, "it must be turned over and over again in the mind, until it unites with the soul." Another wrote, "Painting must be sought beyond the shapes, to reach the pulse-beat of the undefinable spirit of life." And another, "The flower grows and opens into bloom when the season is ripe."

If an artist is fortunate enough, and if that artist has been diligent in living life and going about the task of making their art, there comes a time in the artist's life when form finally gives way to spirit. And it's in my own such moment that I've begun a new series of work titled,
Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth

Primarily dance-inspired, this series taps into the endless inspirations to be found in overlapped and intertwined groupings of active figures. Often silhouetted, often dimly lit, their shapes become other-worldly. The revelations are rich. Always surprising. Never disappointing.

--Don Haggerty


Heaven and Earth
Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth III
Oil on canvas
48" x 48"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study I
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study III
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study V
Oil bar on hardboard
5" x 7"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study IV
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study VI
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study IX (Animal Instincts)
Oil bar on hardboard
5" x 7"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Study 3
Oil on canvas
48" x 48"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XXIV
Oil bar on hardboard
7.5" x 7.5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XXX
Oil bar on hardboard
7.5" x 7.5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XXXI
Oil bar on hardboard
5" x 7"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XXIII
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XX
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XXXII
Oil bar on hardboard
5" x 7"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XIX
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XVIII
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study XV
Oil bar on hardboard
5" x 7"


Heaven and Earth
Dancers--Figure Study X
Oil bar on hardboard
7" x 5"


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