Paintings – Oil on Canvas


Paintings-Brushes2 The boundless possibilities for expression in figurative painting have never ceased to intrigue me. There are five elements, no six, that make figurative work such an ongoing joy for me as an artist. They are...

Gesture--This is the pose, the "attitude" struck by the model, so often very subtle, but oh what power a gesture holds!

Composition and Pattern--This is the lay of the figure within the four walls of the canvas, the wonderful play of positive and negative spaces, lines that enter then exit the canvas, and shapes--often provided by simple elements of clothing--that make a painting bold.

Asymmetry--When it comes to asymmetry, there's nothing so rich as the human form to offer the very best. Add a turned head, a raised chin, a thrown-back shoulder, a twisted torso--you can't help but have yourself a painting!

Drapery/Clothing--Some artists feel clothing detracts from the human form. I find it to be a wonderful addition to the creative mix and an extraordinary context for expressive brushwork.

Lighting--Perhaps from multiple sources, of varying intensities, sometimes direct, sometimes reflected, strong, subtle, varying in color--place a human form within such light and--wow! It makes me glad to be a painter.

Magic--And finally, that element that no painter can explain but that we all celebrate when it happens. Magic. Surprise. That most important element of "I don't know how it happened, but I was there and it did." For me, figurative painting invites magic.

--Don Haggerty


Oil on canvas
28" x 22"


Curtain Call
Curtain Call
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Portrait of a Day
Portrait of a Day
Oil on canvas
24" x 36"


Rest Stop
Rest Stop
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


Kathy Takes Flight
Kathy Takes Flight
Commissioned portrait
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Magic Circle
Magic Circle
Oil on canvas
18" x 24"


Mother and Daughter
Mother and Daughter
Oil on canvas
18" x 24"


A Very Present Moment
A Very Present Moment
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Shelly's World
Shelly's World
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


State of Being
State of Being
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


Study in Form and Blue
Study in Form and Blue
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Ms. Hillary Tompkins
Ms. Hillary Tompkins
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


The Blue Strap
The Blue Strap
Oil on canvas
30" x 36"


Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Dream Dance
Dream Dance--In Three Parts
Oil on canvas
Three canvases 24" x 12" each


Earth Dance
Earth Dance
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Self Awakening
Self Awakening
Oil on canvas
30" x 24"


Tribute to Beauty
Tribute to Beauty
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"


Study in Turquoise and Pink
Study in Turquoise and Pink
Oil on canvas
40" x 30"