Stencil Works

It was during a stay in Paris, summer of 2012, that I found myself particularly struck by various pieces of stencil graffiti scattered throughout the city.

What really drew me in was the high-contrast boldness of the stencilized images and the crisp stencil lines combined with the beautiful and unpredictable soft edges caused by spray paint finding its way under the stencil edges. The stark visual strength of these pieces, together with the known speed and stealth with which such art is created, put my viewing experience right up there with the more “sanctioned” works of art I was able to view in slightly more controlled environments (i.e. the Louvre).

This experience led me to create stencilized versions of my own oil paintings, which has proven to be a perfect medium for reducing the subjects of my paintings to their iconic essence--a great exercise for any painter, and a particularly meaningful addition to my own explorations in art.

Stencil Works And just a word about my "street signature," which you'll see stenciled at the lower-right or left of each of these pieces. It's simple, really. My name is Don Haggerty. Shortened, that becomes D. Haggerty, which shortened even further becomes "dhaggerty," which when spoken as a single word, the "h" falls silent, and the result sounds very much like "dagger-tea."

So, now you see. The dagger and tea cup make perfect sense.

--Don Haggerty


Stencil Works
I Point My Fingers at the Moon
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 12"


Stencil Works
A Feeling as Real as Flowers in My Garden
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 12"


Stencil Works
Mixed media
24" x 24"


Let me teach you how to fly,
to find your wings,
to stretch them wide,
to point them to the sky.

Let me teach you how to fly,
to decipher up from down,
to turn around your fear of heights,
to fear instead the ground.

Let me teach you how to fly,
to trust, to know, to leap, to find
that what was thought a silly dream
has become your soaring place.

Now let me teach you how to land,
to touch your wheels down,
so having learned the joy of flight,
you’ll stand once more upon your feet
and never doubt again.

-- Don Haggerty


Stencil Works
Attitude, Sweet Attitude
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
When She Imagined
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
She Danced Into the Light
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
Sunny Above the Clouds
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
Just Thinking
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
At the Edge of Her Light
Aerosol on wood panel
18" x 12"


Stencil Works
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 9"


Stencil Works
When Honey Bees Fly
Aerosol on wood panel
12" x 12"