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B. J. Spoke Gallery
National Juried Group Exhibition
Huntington (Long Island), New York
Artist Reception, April 6, 2013
There’s a special reason that I’ve posted here about some of the shows I’ve been a part of in New York. You may have heard of the wonderful poem, Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann that’s so filled with wonderful life advice. Well, in it there’s a line that goes like this:
“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”
Every time I’ve shown in New York, I’ve been very much aware that there were much smaller shows happening in town. I’ve also known there were far grander shows going on as well. According to Max Ehrmann, I was experiencing the perfect formula for becoming vain, on the one hand, and bitter on the other.
What I came away with, though, was rather than feeling vain, I felt humbled by the knowledge that the art I had created had brought me to New York to be a part of the enormous history imbued within that great city. And rather than feeling bitter that the venues were not somehow larger or grander, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment at the simple privilege of being a part of a great river of art, and kin with all who had flowed within it before me and who would come after me. And there I was thinking how fortunate could anyone possibly get?
That’s why I want you to know about my shows in New York. It’s a great river indeed that we artists get to swim in.
--Don Haggerty
My wife, Kathy, beside Killer Red Dress and Goddess.
And my sculpture, Blue Counterpoint.
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