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American Artists Professional League
National Juried Exhibition
Salmagundi Club, New York City
Opening Reception, November 7, 2010
In his book, The Art Spirit, Robert Henri wrote,
"I am not interested in art as a means of making a living, but I am interested in art as a means of living a life."
I’m in agreement with Mr. Henri. In my experience of making livings (by numerous means), indeed, there are far better ways of doing it than making art. But when it comes to living a life—art simply cannot be beat.
That fact was reinforced all over again when I walked into the opening of the Grand National Exhibition of The American Artists Professional League being presented at the Salmagundi Club in Lower Manhattan. The name “Salmagundi” was chosen at the club’s founding in 1871 for its reference to “a mixture of many ingredients” in an effort by its founding member artists to describe their loose alliance of many differing viewpoints and goals bonded by a common love of art. The historic club is now one of the oldest artist organizations in America.
And there I was.
A small, but happy, part of it all.
--Don Haggerty
Paintings by Don Haggerty
Curtain Call (left), shown in the 2010 AAPL exhibition
Charme (right), shown in the 2011 AAPL exhibition
The beautiful old stairwell, rising three floors,
is filled with paintings by former Salmagundi Club
member artists.
Palettes of former Salmagundi Club member artists
are displayed on the walls of the upper floor.
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